When you get your mission call getting pre LDS Missionary photos are a must! This stage of your life is such an exciting time with lots of anticipation of leaving.
Just think about it, you have spent most of your life, if not your whole life, preparing to serve a mission. Your 18th (or 19th) birthday comes around and its time to talk to the bishop to start your papers. You spend the next few months going to Dr. visits and filling out papers. Then comes the time to turn them in and then the longest wait of your life happens. Waiting for that email notification! It finally comes. You have a fun party with your friends and family around as everyone guess where in the world you may be going. Then it happens, you read that email that literally changes your life forever.
The next serval months are filled with preparing everything you are going to need for the next 18 or 24 months. In this time of preparing to leave you realize you want photos taken, because of the special time in your life. You will only serve a youth mission once after all!! So of course getting LDS missionary photos taken is a MUST before you leave. There is something about photos that can take you back to that stage of your life.
This missionary session was so much fun and extra special for me! This mission session was for my youngest brother, Axel. Axel was called to the Helsinki, Finland Mission. This was so cool for our family. My grandpa served his mission in Finland as well and that is actually were he met my grandma. She ended up immigrating from Finland and they got married and lived there life here in the USA. So after my grandma left most of her family stayed in Finland, so we still have lots of family over there that we have actually never met. It will be so cool for my brother to hopefully meet some family and learn more about Finland.
The first part of Axel’s LDS Missionary Photos we were at the Rexburg, Temple. It was a windy early spring day, but that did not stop us from getting some great photos. Axel also included a Finnish Book of Mormon and a Finnish flag in his mission photos.

The next part of Axel’s mission session we took some photos of Axel & Alecia together. Alecia is Axel’s girlfriend who also just got her mission call. She got called to the Minnesota, Minneapolis Mission. We just had to take some fun photos of them together before Axel left for his mission. These photos of them together were also taken at the Rexburg Temple.

Loving what you are seeing? Ready to book your mission photo experience with me? Get in touch and book me as your missionary photographer. I can’t wait to hear from you!!
-McCaslin C. Z. Owner of MCZPhotography